Welcome to the Pleasure! ("Purejā ni yōkoso!", 思い出にようこそ!) is the twenty-third chapter of the Welcome to the N.H.K manga.
Tatsuhiro Satou returns home into the arms of his worried parents. He tells them that he had been mistaken this entire time, and that he was meant to be back in Tokyo. In his explanation, he shuffles through the strong bonds he'd formed in Tokyo, and accused his recent state to a recent patch of bad luck. Tatsuhiro pleads to his parents not to call him in for medical services, promising them that he will be out of the house in no time with a real job.
Moments later, he is seen in his room again, determined to do research on job openings. However, he fails at maintaining this productivity, and spends the entire day browsing through hentai, nearly caught by his mother. He decides that the only way out of this rut is to practice abstience, and he deletes all of his pornographic files.
However, he found a box of all of his old erotic manga, and became deeply "fixated" on them too. Once again, his mother walks on him at a very inappropriate time. One scene later, he is seen burning the manga. He shows off a fake pamphlet to his parents to keep them at ease. They leave the house.
He is entirely unable to focus his attention on priorities, and reconsiders his situation in a different manner. He decides that his urge to beat his meat must be from "repressed sexual urges", and that he is causing his own detriment by refraining himself from blowing his whistle. He sets out on going much further than simply pleasuring himself. He decides that, with so many tools at his disposal, he can engage in the most lucid and euphoric self-pleasuring session possible.
For a third time, Satou gets caught, as his mother searches for her purse. This time, he is in the most vulnerable position. Naked, with toys and tools, watching Lolita porn. He makes an embarrassing scene even more embarrassing as he degrades his mother for intruding on him. He then degrades himself, and his mother exits as quickly as she can.
Misaki Nakahara is seen passionately returning to school, vowing to work hard for the sake of Satou.