Welcome to the NHK Wiki
Welcome to the NHK Wiki

Markoolio Markoolio 20 February 2016

Anime - Manga Difference Notes

Chapter 1: Welcome to the PROJECT

  • In the anime series, he had the illusion that the appliances were alive due to his hikikomori. The manga reveals that it happens due to his drug intake

Chapter 10: Welcome to the HEAVEN

  • In the anime, the [OFF] line group was to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff. In the manga, it was through oxygen starvation via burning coals inside a tent to consume the oxygen.
  • The story about the rich man who once owned the island and commited suicide on the cliff was only added in the anime. In the manga, it was the oldest of the group who owned the island
  • Akira Jougasaki makes no appearance at all in the manga, only having a cameo appearance in this chapter as the one who called Hitomi on her phone to propose the marr…

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Markoolio Markoolio 15 February 2016

Original Home Page COpy

Many of you will notice that the home page is different than the original cluttered one.

I edited out some clutter and will slowly revert back important aspects from the old one.

Also, we are glad to accept help in updating many of the wiki's pages.

That's all for now!

Markoolio (talk) 16:45, February 15, 2016 (UTC)

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Mai Is Me Mai Is Me 8 August 2013

NHK theme

I made a wallpaper for this wiki. I reccomented it should be fixed and not tiled. 

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